Welcome! In this short guide, I'm going to show you how you can turn a user script into an include.ai Superpower!

Step 1️⃣: Find a user script you want to translate over

Start with your favorite user script! If you don't have one, here are some popular sources of user scripts you can take a pique in!

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use the following user script called "Endless Google"


This user script turns google result page from a paginated page into an infinitely scrollable page!

Before running user scripts

Before running user scripts

After running user scripts

After running user scripts

Step 2️⃣: Create an include.ai Superpower

First, go to HQ Superpower Libraries, and click on the "New Superpower" button on the top right. After hitting the blue button, you should see a menu that allows us to start with an existing template. For educational purpose, we will start with a blank Superpower by choosing any type of template and then choose "Start from Scratch" at the bottom.

Create a new Superpower

Create a new Superpower

Available templates

Available templates

Step 3️⃣: Setup which URLs this superpower should run on

First thing we need to do is to find the javascript code from the user script. For "Endless Google", the following is the javascript code:

Notice that in the commented section, there are some settings that organizes how user scripts runs.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Endless Google
// @description     Load more results automatically and endlessly.
// @author          tumpio
// @namespace       [email protected]
// @homepageURL     <https://openuserjs.org/scripts/tumpio/Endless_Google>
// @supportURL      <https://github.com/tumpio/gmscripts/issues>
// @icon            <https://github.com/tumpio/gmscripts/raw/master/Endless_Google/large.png>
// @include         <http://www.google>.*
// @include         <https://www.google>.*
// @include         <https://encrypted.google>.*
// @run-at          document-start
// @version         0.0.6
// @license         MIT
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==